Repair of Corroded Steel H-Piles Using Performance Material – Phase II (UHPC and FRP Repair Sections)


Missouri University of Science & Technology

Principal Investigator

Mohamed El Gawady (

Total Project Cost


Funding Type

2016 USDOT

Start Date


End Date


Agency ID or Contract Number



With an inventory of 24,467 bridges, Missouri is the seventh largest state in terms of number of bridges. The average age of these bridges is 46 years old with a design service life of 50 years. These bridges have sustained harsh environments such as freeze-thaw cycles and deicing salt exposure as well as increases in the applied loads. Therefore, many of these bridges structurally deteriorated and are in need of urgent repair. The current Safe and Sound MoDOT bridge program is addressing the repair and replacement of these deficient bridges. Steel H-piles is a common structural system in the U.S. Midwest, including Missouri. Many of these H-piles are severely corroded. This research is phase II of a multi-phase project focusing on assessment and accelerating repair of steel H-piles. The short and long-term behavior of different repair techniques will be assessed during the course of this project. Phase I focused on the assessment of H-piles having different corrosion scenarios. Phase I also investigated the current repair technique of H-piles using FRP wrapping. Phase II will focus on the assessment of two repair methods using high performance materials, namely, UHPC and pultruded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP).


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Related Phases Phase I: Behavior and Repair of Corroded Steel H-Piles – Phase I (Axial Behavior)

Phase III: Performance of Corroded Piles Subjected to Eccentric Loads Before and After Repair

Phase IV: Performance of Prestressed Bridge Girders Subjected to Vehicle Impacts

Phase V: Over-height vehicle impact with bridge girders having different boundary conditions