Real-Time Emergency Communication System for HazMat Incidents (REaCH) - Phase VI


University of Nebraska-Omaha

Principal Investigator

Ann Fruhling (

Total Project Cost


Funding Type

2016 USDOT

Start Date


End Date


Agency ID or Contract Number



The primary goal of this project is to create a real-time data gathering and emergency communication system prototype (e.g., integrated dashboard) for HazMat incidents in Nebraska that collects, integrates, and facilitates sharing of information among transportation workers and first responders. This project aligns directly with the Mid-America Transportation Center’s interest in research projects that seek to advance the USDOT’s strategic goals of enhancing safety. At the end of this five-year project, we will develop a prototype for a statewide technology system that includes wearable sensor devices, mobile apps and a real-time communication network for stakeholders that can be used during a hazardous materials incident. The new system is called REaCH - Real-Time Emergency Communication System for HazMat Incidents. The REaCH system will include real-time health monitoring of transportation workers and first responders through wearable devices that capture individual health parameters and exposure to hazardous materials. Individual health data and hazmat exposure data will be transmitted to a dashboard that integrates all of the information for the incident commander to monitor. The incident commander can evaluate if individuals need to be removed from the scene for example, if his or her health status is being compromised, with the goal of minimizing any health-related consequences. We are in the third year of our project. This proposal presents plans for the remainder of the project.


This research project addresses two issues related to the health of transportation workers, first responders and the public in the presence of hazardous materials: 1) Real-time information on the exposure of hazardous materials to transportation workers and first responders during hazardous material incidents is lacking. 2) Currently, the ability to identify and communicate information regarding hazardous material incidents in real time to all stakeholders is limited. The main research objectives for this project are to evaluate and apply IT development best practices, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, bio-sensor capabilities and Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics while developing the real-time emergency communication system that monitors the health and well-being of first responders and transportation workers during a hazardous material incident.


The results from this project may serve to inform national guidelines and policy formation in the realm of 1) personal protection equipment (PPE) and protocols (i.e., distance and time within proximity of hazardous material) used in the response to hazardous materials, and 2) statewide IT communication protocols, with an emphasis on data and cyber security, and transfer of health information for hazardous materials incidents. The project will track data on the three MATC research performance metrics for required quarterly and final MATC reports (intellectual property, implementation, scholarly work).


Download the Final Report

Related Phases Phase I: Real-Time Emergency Communication System for HazMat Incidents (REaCH) - Phase I

Phase II: Real-Time Emergency Communication System for HazMat Incidents (REaCH) – Phase II

Phase III: Real-Time Emergency Communication System for HazMat Incidents (REaCH) - Phase III

Phase IV: Real-Time Emergency Communication System for HazMat Incidents (REaCH) - Phase IV-V